Baileys Chocolat Luxe in HK
Baileys Chocolat Luxe in HK-Baileys Chocolat Luxe arrives in our store. Anthony Wilson the son of the creator of the original Baileys Irish Cream traveled three continents to taste 200 varieties of chocolate, before settling for one from Belgium.
Baileys Chocolat Luxe contains 30g of chocolate per bottle, making it seem as if every drinker is “eating a piece of chocolate.”
The fuse of a Belgian chocolate with alcohol delivers the multi-sensory experience; that of a chocolate in a glass. I am proud to be part of the team who brought a piece of chocolate paradise to world travelers for the very first time.”
Just in time for Christmas season, Chocolat Luxe has been launched to the Hong Kong market .
Since the first launch of Baileys original Irish cream. Chocolate flavor Baileys are the biggest innovation since then.
From this month, shoppers can pick up Baileys Chocolat Luxe across our shop and bring home a taste of luxury”.