Noble wine cellar TV ad

Our dedication :
We picked and tasted every bottle of wine that we stored in our cellar ! Feel free to tell us your wine preferences and we will be glad to suggest wines that suites your pallate.Check our occasional wine tasting and event .
announcement august2013 australia bordeaux Chile fathers day fine wines Glenfiddich 15 gran cru classe Hibiki HongKong Kirin Maipo Valley Medoc Muscat new arrival newshop Nikka whisky Onting Party Wine penfolds pure malt red wine Rose shop Single malt TuenMun viniq vodka wedding wine Wedding Wine Hong Kong whiskey whisky White wine Wine wines wineshop Wine shop in HK Yamazaki 君爵酒窖 (安定店) 奔富 婚宴紅酒 紅酒 酒 香港婚宴酒